A retro-arcade survival shooter, play with either A/D or Left/Right arrows to rotate your turret, and Spacebar to fire and defend against a growing swarm.

Version 1.1.1
-  Added: Press [ or ] to decrease or increase rotation speed. Press \ to reset rotation speed to default.

Version 1.1.0
-  Added: Explosive enemies.
-  Added: Successful hits resets firing cooldown.
     -  Changed middle circle of player to indicate cooldown meter.
-  Increased early variety of enemies. 
-  Increased contrast between score and background.
-  Changed spawn rate to increase based on score count.
-  Fixed player turn rate being inconsistent across computers. 
     -  Thank you kel (kelxdlol)!
-  Known Issues: Distortion with audio.

Original Code by me




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I GOT 72

the turning speed is too slow for me, i coudn't make the turn to shoot any target ;(((
I think you didn't multyply Time.deltaTime for your movements?
without it there will be different movement speeds with different framerates in different computers ;o (if you use the update function which updates per frame)
maybe try speed*Time.deltaTime

Fixed! Thank you for pointing this out!